Wednesday, February 16, 2011


In 6th and 7th grades we will be studying probability. I found a cool math tool that helps with terms we discuss in class and those that are important when talking about the probability/chance of something happening. Try it out!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


I would like to ask you and your Red Oak Middle School friends to answer the following survey. If you have a phone with text messaging follow the instructions below. If you do not have text messaging you can access the poll by going to It will be fun to see your results and we will use the results in some of my classes to study the graph and data we received! Please only vote once!

Create your own sms poll at Poll Everywhere

Math Wordle

Can you believe that Mrs. Lee is a student just like you? We will always be students as we will forever search for new knowledge! I am currently taking a technology class and we created wordle's in our class. I created a math wordle!

Wordle: Math